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Journal of Arabic Linguistics - Contents of Issue 67 (2018)


I. Younes
Raising and the gahawa-Syndrome, between Inheritance and Innovation P. 5-11
J. Heath
Vowel-length Merger and its Consequences in Archaic Moroccan Arabic, P. 12-43
C. Lucas
On Wilmsen on the Development of Postverbal Negation in Dialectal Arabic, P. 44-70
J. Rosenhouse
Modern Arabic Dictionaries: Phonetic Aspects and Implications, P. 71-89


O. Jastrow
Rescuing Iraqi Arabic aku and māku from the Hands of the Aramaicists, P. 90-93


C. Berlinches
El dialecto árabe de Damasco (Siria): estudio gramatical y textos, (M. Klimiuk), P. 94-98
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Latest Revision: 2019-01-23
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